Jesus Said
create a ritual?
create an institution?
love one another!

Pray with us
Send us your prayer requests and we will pray with you OR join us for prayer in person every Wednesday at 6PM OR online every weekday at 7:30AM in our Prayer Room
Transform the world with us
Participate in our local and international work that seeks to transform the world to be a better place for all of God's people
join us
Find a Worship time, Small Group, Prayer Group, or other community activities that strengthen bonds of love with God and God's people
Celebrate with us
Every Saturday night join us for a Shared Meal, Worship, Scripture Conversations, Healing Prayers, Eucharist, and much more
"do this in remembrance of me"
Because Jesus said, “do THIS in remembrance of me”. THIS is having a place at the Table with Jesus. THIS is where our many gifts form the one Body of Christ. THIS is where differences are valued and lives transformed. THIS is where we are nourished to feed others. THIS is where we give thanks and invite everyone to a life with Christ. THIS is where you are invited to have a place at The Lord’s Table.
"Where two or three are gathered in my name".
Wherever two or three are gathered in Jesus’ name he is there also. If you are looking for a life transforming gathering of people gathered in Jesus’ name, join us on Saturday Evenings at 6PM for food, scripture discussion, singing, dancing, and other joy filled sacred expressions of gratitude; 9AM for a traditional Worship Service; 6PM Wednesdays for in person Prayers and 7:30AM every Weekday for online prayers in our Prayer Room.
what people are saying

Join us for Worship
Every Saturday at 6PM and Sunday at 9AM