What can I do about it?
Trying to Make Sense Bad things happen; that’s not a secret. We can probably list at least…
Participation and making room for the other
The scene of our Lord’s Last Supper is intriguing. Disciples are there, each with their own thoughts,…
Laughter, excitement, openness? Is that Christian?
Yesterday we had our Bible Study at the little house on the little prairie. We looked at…
Disjointed yet related reflections
Here are some of my disjointed yet related reflections on our conversations these last few days about…
The beginning of my Lenten Walk
The ritual season of Lent is upon us. Forty days and 40 nights are meant to give…
The Table, the Disciples, and the World.
The Table is where the Disciples gather to be nourished. Jesus served his disciples at mealtimes. We…
Be the light
”For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in…