Well, I made it through Deuteronomy. It took me a little longer since I had a week with minimal downtime to sit and read the Bible. I noticed how much that morning time has come to mean to me. I have read the Bible every morning this week, trying to clear my head of outside distractions and focus on what I’m reading. It’s not easy – but it is worth it. I start my day in a much better mindset. So, what did I learn in the large book at the beginning of the Bible?
God is still mad at the people he gave everything to because they continue to defy and question his authority. In the end, he says he was even upset with Aaron and Moses. In fact, Moses dies at the end of Deuteronomy, and God tells him he can stand on the mountain and look at the Promised Land, but he will not enter before he dies.
Moses is once again presumed to be the author of Deuteronomy. This book of the Bible repeats the Ten Commandments profusely. We learn God says humans may not add or subtract to these rules, but humans don’t listen—we seem to like to make specific rules about everything. The more specific the rule, the more control we perceive we have over people. God gets so impatient with Moses telling the people the rules and them not listening that he requests they all assemble so he may speak to them all directly. The book of Deuteronomy even drills down to the basics in chapter 10 verses 12-13: “So now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? Only to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord your God and his decrees that I am commanding you today, for your own well-being.” It’s said there and it is repeated, but why is it so hard to trust and follow?
I’ve taken on this challenge of reading the Bible cover to cover because I’ve heard people quote specific lines that negate beliefs I feel deep in my soul. I wanted to understand the context from which people are sharing these quotes, what lines are being ignored, and hopefully gain an ounce of a better understanding of the whole picture. I often find myself in arguments with people who believe their money is theirs and they shouldn’t have to help others, there should be no handouts, and in the same breath, they are telling me about their church and religious convictions, and I go into deep reflection and question myself. Deuteronomy 15:11 “Since there will never cease to be some in need on the earth I therefore command you, “Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land.”
I guess what I’m learning is that interpretation of the Word can depend upon the perspective you are reading it from. It can be influenced my your personal experiences and your life status. This journey to understand my faith in a deeper way and try to understand the reasons people believe things they do is not a simple journey. It is complex and packed with many feelings, but as I’m traveling this path, I am feeling the hand of God guiding me as I walk.