The thoughts we examined this last Sunday were: truth, world, and life everlasting.
Truth, biblically, is not a concept we can articulate with a perspective and consider our articulation to suffice. Truth is real. We cannot put a spin on it. The Greek word for truth means reality. Jesus is the truth means that Jesus is real and invites us to accept every aspect of what our reality is – without a spin, perspective, or bias.
The Greek word for the world means a well-ordered entity. Our world is well ordered. Order is good. Order is also limiting because it creates boundaries that keep us from appreciating reality in its entirety. Jesus wants us to be a part of the order but not become subservient to it. The invitation is not to rebel the order but to understand its limitations, find Christ’s freedom that liberates us from the confines of the order, and therefore to appreciate the reality in its fullest form.
When appreciating the fullness of what Christ offers there can be a great propensity to claim that our “eureka” is more important than someone else’s “eureka” of reality. For that reason, Christ points us towards the need to be one as the Father and the Son are one. The bond that holds us together is God’s love. Through that love we get to know God. Knowing God is gaining life everlasting.
Jesus’ prayer for us is to continue the work of Jesus as his disciples. That work is difficult because it must be constantly open to accepting the fullness of reality in the very moment that we experience it – unstained by how we may have experienced or articulated it in the past.
At the Table we believe in truth, world, love, and life everlasting, in the way that allows us to experience the freedom of Christ for the transformation of the world.
How is engaging with the Word of God transforming your life? Please share in comments.