The Gospel of John, Chapter 8
What level is your discipleship? When the religious leaders questioned Jesus, he talked about the people who followed him. Some were seekers interested in what Jesus could do for them, such as healing, feeding, or deliverance. Some believed in him and thought he was a prophet. The twelve disciples followed Jesus for three years. They believed he was God’s son. Three disciples, Peter, James, and John were the most intimate with him. Some Christians see Good when they need him; for them, God is like a genie. Those who believe speak knowledge of God but don’t commit themselves. The disciples have devoted their lives to Jesus’ way. Peter, James, and John spent the most time with Jesus. They knew the power of the resurrection and the fellowship of suffering.
May 19th Pentecost
The feast of Pentecost, a momentous event, occurs fifty days after the Resurrection. This feast marked one thousand and five years since the giving of the law to Moses and God’s Covenant. In Greek, Pentecost means ‘Fifty ‘. In Hebrew, it is known as Shavuot. Imagine, One hundred and twenty six men, women, and children gathered in the upper room, contemplating their truth. They were examining their adherence to the ten commandments, and whether they had succeeded in keeping them. In the Hebrew calendar, Shavuot occurred in June, a time of great significance.
Mary Bludnicki