This morning, I came across a very interesting video. Bunny the doodle has been taught by her “mom” to converse with the help of buttons. She is able to express her deep thoughts through this very simple system of buttons. It is amazing to watch. Another one like it can be found here.
Towards the end of this conversation Bunny makes a very interesting argument. She wants to know if her other dog friend is a human. Her mom tells her that no that friend is a dog. So, then she goes deeper into the concept of friendship and argues that she (Bunny) is a human. Her “mom” tells her that no she also is a dog. Then Bunny says something very interesting, she says, her “mom” is a dog.
You see in Bunny’s world friendships and love do not separate individuals by differences. For them to share the deep love – which they clearly do – either she is a human, or her mom is a dog; love simply cannot leave between them an unbridgeable chasm.
In all fairness, Bunny’s videos have been challenged by some for their authenticity. Regardless, I can attest from my experience with Ellie that she too does not understand the difference between us. She wants to go where we go and eat what we eat. She never accepts that she cannot have something or do something because she is a dog. Our reasoning with her has to be not the difference between us but how the food, or place, or thing may impact her specifically.
What do you all think, is our human problem our desire to differentiate and set apart things which then make it impossible for us to fully experience love? I think of God breaking that barrier through incarnation and removing the separation between God and human by becoming fully human and fully God – Jesus, the epitome of love.
I would love to hear your responses in the comment section.