The book of Ecclesiastes speaks about the season, as does the familiar song “Turn! Turn! Turn!” by the Byrds. We are familiar with the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall; however, God’s seasons are of different lengths/timeframes. As believers, we experience different circumstances; the favor should not be on the why but the who. Don’t question the circumstances but look to Jesus for your focus. Has their circumstance made me kinder, humbler, or sympathetic rather than depressed, anxious, or angry?
In Deuteronomy 10:12, God gave Moses these commandments: fear the Lord, follow in his ways and love the Lord with all of your heart. The God of Israel was a God of justice, as evidenced by Israel’s freedom from Egypt. The God of the Old Testament is the God of justice. In reading the Old Testament, some may think God is angry, but his mercy tempers his justice. Someone instructs one how to walk in the way of the Lord. Memorize Psalm 1 in your spiritual walk.
C.S. Lewis talks about the four ways of loving God: storge/affection, philia/friendship, eros/romantic, agape/selfless. Praising God first is an example of serving God with your whole heart. We should look to God as our provider, whatever season we are in. As we enter the fall season, may we remember God’s faithfulness not just in our lives but in the lives of these Old Testament people: Abraham, Moses, Job, and Joseph. Let us resolve to labor daily towards the merit able return of King Jesus.
Mary Bludnicki