”Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.“
Psalms 119:105 NLT
In Genesis 13:17, God tells Abram (soon to be called Abraham) to "Go and walk…". God has just given him the permanent possession of all the land that he could see and the promise of giving him so many descendants that "they cannot be counted".
Have you ever felt God "nudge" or "tell" you to "GO" somewhere or do something in faith without you knowing why?
Psalm 119 tells us about God’s Word – His Holy Bible. We are to hide it in our hearts (vs 11); that It is more precious than gold or silver (vs 72); It is sweeter than honey (vs 103); and that it’s a light and a lamp to where we are to walk (vs 105).
Sometimes "faith" is an action verb that requires us to move. Focus today on where you are so God can get you ready for movement to where He wants you to be!
Always remember that you are God’s precious, chosen and loved child!!