Yesterday we had our Bible Study at the little house on the little prairie. We looked at the passage where Jesus drove out the money changers from the Temple. We looked at this passage from several perspectives: social Gospel, purity Gospel, the separation of church and state, etc. And then, somehow, we started sharing stories of when we found ourselves standing up for a just cause. As these stories were told we had so much laughter and joy in the room. Each of these stories were about how we got punched in the face for standing up for justice, and yet we still did it, and today in hindsight we were glad we did it. All this while reflecting on a story which presents a very angry young Jesus; a story that ends with the high priests and those in power wanting to kill Jesus without ever having a dialogue with him about why he did what he did.
After our Bible Study I began to reflect on why were we so happy? Why did people express joy about meeting in a new location this last Sunday and said that they were finding this whole thing about moving from location to location exciting? Why the openness to everyone’s gift? Why so much joy? The logical thing would have been to carry resentments.
I thank God for giving our community an experience of the Christian way. The Christian way is to bear the cross for the sake of the other. Jesus’ call to discipleship is an assurance of a cross to bear! Each time we stand up in the face of injustice, power plays, bullying, we do what Jesus did in the Temple. The consequence of which is cross. However, as Paul says, that cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the manifestation of the power of God. Not our power, power of God. Interestingly, that power of God unleashes joy, love, peace, patience for others, openness, and the rest of God’s qualities in us. That is what we experienced yesterday at our Bible Study. That is what that laughter, excitement, openness, joy, peace, and love, was all about.
May God continue to shape us into the Disciples he wants us to be around our Lord’s Table. May our laughter be heard, and our joy be infectious as we take a stand to address the needs in our community. Amen.