Have you ever thought about God, the Father Almighty, as having feelings? I must confess I have not even thought about this spiritual concept. In the Torah, the first book of Deuteronomy tells the creation story. When finished, God said, “It is Good.” What feeling do you think conveys goodness? Could it be smiling/joy? Later, after Adam sins, God is looking for him in the garden. God asks the question, “Adam, where are you?” This shows God’s care/concern. Next, when God told Noah to build the arc, God said He was grieved because of the continuous sin of men. This statement shows God’s grief/sadness.
In the New Testament, can you think of the First miracle that Yeshua did? It was the miracle at Canan. Jesus must have smiled and rejoiced at the wedding feast, which lasted three days. Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus, and Jesus rebuked His disciples.
Jesus stated that the first and greatest commandment was to “Love God with all your heart…” and the second was “love your neighbor as yourself.” In America, love is an ambiguous word with many connotations. In Greece, the word love can mean affection or friendship. In France, an example of love is the padlock bridge. Couples put a padlock on the bridge and then throw away the key. Of the 287 significant languages in the world, some languages are easier to speak. For instance, Japanese, Italian, or Spanish are easier to speak than Chinese or Danish. There is one language that is even more difficult. Can you guess what it is?
It is the language of forgiveness. It is saying, “I’m sorry,” “Please forgive me,” and “I was wrong.” Have you made this language a part of your vocabulary?
Mary Bludnicki