If you’re reading this thinking the title should be “New Year’s Resolutions,” you’d be right. Have you made New Year’s resolutions but have not kept them?
The ancient Babylonians were the first to make New Year’s resolutions to appease their gods. But our God, the one God Almighty, is not interested in our resolutions, which are not kept. While we are interested in comfort after an exhausting Christmas season, God is interested in ”character” because God uses our problems and tiredness to flex our “spiritual” muscles.
Yeshua (Jesus) proclaimed the first “BE-Attitude” as “Blessed are the low in Spirit.” Why low in Spirit? Because when we are at our lowest, like the lowest run on a ladder, we have to look up to God and lean on God for help. Use your Bible Concordance to discover the king who leaned on prayer and Bible study. Allow us to make room in our spiritual life for the Holy Spirit to speak to God when His spirit was at its lowest.
In Psalm 103, King David talked about God’s benefits. Read this Psalm and discover how God can benefit you by taking the Psalm to hear and mind each day.
You may try to get closer to Jesus but must “train” to get closer to Yeshua. The spiritual disciplines, solace, silence, fasting, memorization, prayer, and Bible study allow us to make room for the Holy Spirit to speak in our spiritual life.
Lean on God to start your New Year’s Solutions today!
Mary Bludnicki