Most of us are familiar with the parable of Jesus saying, “I am the vine; you are the branches.” However, since we are not an agrarian society, we may not fully understand its meaning and grapes need support to grow. The vine that grows the grapes does not rest on the ground but needs a wooden trellis or a stone structure to support it. The vine-dresser must check the grapes for insects. It also needs to trim other branches and leaves so that the grapes get sunlight. In ancient times, vineyards usually had stonewalls to protect them from animals and other brambles. Surprisingly, the people of the 10 Virgins and the oil lamps bespeak intimacy. Remember that the bridesmaids are awaiting the arrival of the bridegroom. Paul spoke in Colossians, “The Mystery of Christ in You.” If Christ is in you, we need to let him out, not let the world’s distractions in. Let your prayer life walk with God. The Hebrew phrase, “Hear, oh Israel, the lord our God is one,” The Hebrews understand that the word here means to hear and obey God. Yeshua heard God’s voice in prayer. His will was to be obedient to his Father. This is a perfect example of what we should be.
When the resurrected Jesus visited His disciples, he breathed in the Holy Spirit and said, “Peace be with you.” The Hebrew concept of peace is wholeness. Thus, Yeshua spoke wholeness to the mind, imparting wisdom. For example, the internet provides us with knowledge but not wisdom. The world provides us with fear and anger as emotions rather than peace and love. The world wants you to crave food etc. rather than God’s healing. Our goal should be to cultivate our relationship with Jesus. Don’t mistake the rules and regulations for the relationship with Yeshua.