Yesterday evening, over a yummy dinner, we completed the work of articulating our values. They are posted here along with our Mission statement, our Vision statement, and our guidelines for making decisions. Collectively these are our foundational documents that reflect who we are, for what purpose we have gathered, how we do the work we are called to do, and what we hope will transpire as we live deeper into our collective calling. I encourage you to visit this page often. Our group is also working on a narrative that will share the process by which we arrived at this articulation of values, stay tuned!
These foundational documents on our website emerge out of our collective experience of choosing to sacrifice some of the things we value for the sake of the things we all felt we could simply not compromise. We sacrificed tradition, institutional affiliation, perception of a sacred space, etc. for the sake of authenticity, joy, celebration of difference, an unwavering faith in the God of possibilities, and a deep sense of being called to lead through exemplary action. These are the values that led us to form the Table; to recognize that the Lord’s Table is needed where everyone is treated equally, heard, nurtured, and free to choose to live with faith, hope and love. To achieve this, we sacrificed what we also valued, for we valued justice, honesty, positivity, compassion, equality, more than we valued rituals and denominational affiliation. Consciously and unconsciously, we chose to live by the words of 1 Samuel 15:22. This is who we are. By articulating our mission, vision, values, and our guidelines for making decisions, we pledge to continue in our calling.
Personally, I express my deepest gratitude to God for giving me the opportunity to shepherd this amazing intentional faith community, it is indeed a privilege to walk alongside such committed and faithful people. I look forward to the amazing things God has in store for us – as we are already experiencing an amazing growth in just the last six months. Brothers and Sisters, let us continue to pray that God will continue to look mercifully on us and use us as God’s instrument of Grace. Amen.
The Rev. Amjad J Samuel.