I started a cucumber garden this year and realized I must tend to it daily. The crucial ingredients in a garden are soil, sun, and rain. Also, your garden should be free of pests. Our spiritual garden is akin to a regular garden; we need to water our garden every day. Consistency is the key. Prayer and scripture reading are ingredients that nourish our soul and spirit. It is up to you to determine what time of day works best for you to pray; being consistent is most important. With all the influences and distractions, we must evaluate our priorities. The ear gate and the eye gate are two sources that influence our soul. Does what we listen to and watch help our relationship with God?
The psalm says, “Your word have I hid in my heart that I will not sin against God.” Reading and memorizing scripture will store it in your spiritual memory bank. When a crisis or hard times come, the Holy Spirit will remind you of this truth,
Are you up for a challenge? Challenge yourself to memorize one 2-month time frame. Examples are Psalm 1, Psalm 23, and Psalm 51. Recite one phrase per week, gradually building until the whole psalm is memorized. Then your garden will bear much fruit!
Mary Bludnicki