This morning God spoke to us in the online prayer room from Mexico!
I am a reflective person who is always trying to figure out how to be better. This morning, I woke up thinking of all the ways I need to improve in my leadership to make our Saturday Evening and our Sunday Morning worship experiences even more engaging and fulfilling for all those who attend. I had too many thoughts. In full disclosure, I had some frustrations. I was feeling that God is blessing us with so much and I was questioning if we were really channelizing these blessings to the best of our ability. In just one month we have raised more than what we could ever raise in one month as a community in my 9+ years in the community. That comes with a burden and a responsibility. The burden I have is for all the things we need to do. The issue of isolation and food insecurity is huge. We have said that we are addressing it and are we addressing it well? I feel our Saturday dinners are such a huge blessing. We have an awesome team of people that organize our Saturday dinners. They are just wonderful people who are giving so much of themselves. I feel the responsibility of making their work lighter so that their energies will last longer. Our wonderful team is inviting and welcoming new people and now more people are joining in to take on the roles that need to be taken on to achieve even more. Our music team is phenomenal. Their skill and their commitment are amazing. Our Bible Study last week had 15 people, and we did not have 3 regulars in attendance. This Bible Study has grown from 4 people to now 18 and counting, just because we decided to listen to God. God is doing an amazing thing. This Sunday we had a beautiful band leading worship music. We had two youths doing all the technology stuff with no supervision of any kind. They were phenomenal in the execution of their responsibilities. On Saturday we celebrated a 91st birthday. The love offered in making sure the birthday girl could attend was phenomenal. Our Saturday evening testimony by Ngola communicated the grace of God. Saturday and Sunday morning scripture conversations were engaging and life giving. With all these riches, the burden of, are we serving God the best we could was troubling my soul.
And then God visited us. Our Monday morning prayer session was going over time because of all this burden I was carrying. God had a plan. At 8:43, forty-three minutes past our cut off time, a person “knocked” the prayer room door and I let her in. I did not know her. She was in Mexico and wanted prayers for a project. We started praying. After prayers she told us that she was rescuing stray dogs in Mexico!!! That was her project!! And that she was from Shelton, CT!!!
God is doggone good! And everything happens in God’s doggone time! So, let’s pray that this lady’s project is a doggone success, for dogs need to be gone from street into loving homes. Everyone deserves to be surrounded with love. This lady’s searching us out for prayer spoke to me that “all in God’s time, Amjad, all in God’s doggone time.”